Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Water quality in Hungarian communities

I've started investigating the quality of drinking water in Hungary.

I got a detailed list of water sources for more than 500 Hungarian communities. The list is attached, and it shows, among other things, how deep the well of each community is, how long the water has been under testing (generally since the early 1990's), and the source of the water:

  • karst - landscape formed from the dissolution of soluble rocks such as dolomite, limestone, and gypsum
  • partiszűrésű víz - water which is strained through riverside gravel (link to a Hungarian language article about riverside gravel-strained water)
  • talajvíz - groundwater, underground water, subsoil water

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

First post: objectives

This is my Change the World project.

In the last episode of my edx.org "Think 101: the Science of Everyday Thinking" course, we had to come up with a project to change the world, and this is mine.

The first question is "what's broken?"

My answer is: our use of global water resources is broken.

I ask this question: why do people drink bottled water instead of tap water?

I am going to look for the answers and use this blog to report my findings, including resources that I hope other people will use as well.

I intend to behave as an intuitive scientist in this project. I will try to collect the best and most reliable evidence I can, both about tap water and about bottled water. Then I will compare the data.